
The legislation for 'rogue employers'

07 July, 2005 | Supplied by: Ashurst formerly Blake Dawson Waldron Law

On 10 June 2005, the Occupational Health and Safety (Workplace Deaths) Bill 2005 (NSW) (Workplace Deaths Bill) completed its passage through both houses of the New South Wales Parliament

Formaldehyde causes cancer

11 June, 2005

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has ruled that the common chemical formaldehyde is a carcinogen.

Yoga a health hazard

01 June, 2005

Yoga exponents are being caught out by the activity's relaxing and low impact image with more than one in four injured during sessions.

Spinal injury from workplace incident

29 May, 2005

Tieman Industries has been fined $275,000 by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission sitting in Court Session following a workplace incident that led to the permanent disability of a worker.

Risk was forseeable

21 April, 2005

A Sydney manufacturer has been fined $208,000 by the NSW Industrial Relations Commission sitting in Court Session following the death of a young worker at its Revesby factory in 2001.

WorkSafe head to deliver report card at Safety in Action

17 March, 2005

Determined to lead a more transparent WorkSafe Victoria, Executive Director John Merritt promises to bare all in his March 21 keynote address to delegates at the Safety in Action Conference.

Low level falls can kill

09 March, 2005

A company has been fined the Magistrates' Court's jurisdictional limit of $100,000 after a workplace death at the Sportsgirl shop at the Southland Shopping Centre.

Workplace radiation safety standard

04 March, 2005

Government testing authorities have confirmed that it is possible for microwave ovens that show no sign of physical damage to emit radiation levels that exceed the Australian Standard and International emission limit.

Fire engineering now trendy

28 February, 2005

Fire safety engineering has helped to create a masterpiece in urban re-generation in the newly opened building known as 'The Refinery' at Cutters Landing in Brisbane.

Mine found guilty over disaster

17 January, 2005

The owners and operators of a Hunter Valley colliery have been found guilty of safety breaches that led to the deaths of four miners in the Gretley disaster almost eight years ago.

Saliva tests for drivers

14 January, 2005

Victorian police will start using saliva swabs to randomly test drivers for drugs. Police will test drivers for traces of cannabis and methamphetamine, known as 'speed' and used by long haul road transport drivers to stop them falling asleep at the wheel.

Asbestos workers face checks

13 December, 2004

Inspectors would make random visits to building sites to improve safety and compliance in the asbestos and demolition industry, the New South Wales Government has announced.

Reserves to protect coastline

06 December, 2004

Army Reserves will have a greater role in the defence of Australia by providing security elements for Australian Naval vessels, the Minister for Defence Robert Hill announced recently.

The hidden cost of office chairs

06 December, 2004 by Helen Thurloe & David Parker | Supplied by: Uplifting Solutions Pty Ltd

It might seem fanciful to assert that office chairs are responsible for an increasing proportion of workers' compensation claims, but recent figures show musculo-skeletal injuries are increasing in office working environments. How is this happening?

Doctors need more safety

04 September, 2004

While complacency within the medical profession was rapidly becoming an incident of the past, medical practitioners still needed help in ensuring they were subject to the same safety checks and balances as other professions, a leading heart surgeon said.

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