Getting involved in Safe Work Month

Wednesday, 25 September, 2024

Getting involved in Safe Work Month

National Safe Work Month is coming up in October, with the national theme being ‘Safety is everyone’s business’.

Getting involved is as simple as hosting a SafeTea event to start a conversation about health and safety in the workplace. Safe Work Australia has a number of SafeTea Resources organisations can download and use for their events.

The Northern Territory’s Work Health and Safety Regulator Peggy Cheong encouraged all Territorians and Territory organisations to get involved in the month and recommit to improving safety at their workplace.

“The Key Work Health and Safety Statistics by Safe Work Australia showed 200 Australian workers were fatally injured at work in 2023,” she said.

“Five of those workers were killed in the Northern Territory and the national figure last year was slightly higher than 2022.

“The Territory’s fatality rate remains the highest in Australia at 3.5 fatalities per 100,000 workers, compared to the national fatality rate of 1.4 fatalities per 100,000 workers.

“A lot more can be done by Territory organisations and workers to address workplace safety, and a perfect staring point is during National Safe Work Month,” Cheong said.

Image credit: Stock image used is for illustrative purposes only.

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