White Papers/Resources
The Safety Solutions Resource Library contains white papers, eBooks, webcasts, videos and technical papers to help you manage and solve work related problems. Select from a variety of application and technology related subjects, supplied by market-leading vendors or written by our editorial team.
Gloves and chemicals – make the right choice
Supplied by Ansell Healthcare on 08 April, 2016
Selecting the best chemical glove protection for the task at hand is anything but easy. There are over 60 million registered chemicals — and every unique set of chemicals requires specific chemical protection.
Managing safety in the supply chain — an eBook
Supplied by Westwick-Farrow Pty Ltd on 12 November, 2015
Modern sensor technologies present new opportunities to detect a hazard before an accident occurs. Road and traffic authorities are now able to mitigate risks of oversized vehicles, overheating brakes, speed, driving conditions and traffic density. Anti-collision safety laser scanners are now used in the warehouse for forklifts in narrow aisles and on the docks for safe container-terminal operations.
Avoid 67% of potential electrical breakdowns
Supplied by Schneider Electric Energy Business on 23 October, 2015Most businesses do not have an effective electrical infrastructure maintenance plan. Inept maintenance practices result in a rise of equipment costs and increases in downtime.
Drug and alcohol policies must be a safety issue
Supplied by Andatech Breathalysers on 16 June, 2015
Drug and alcohol consumption is a major source of risk for many industries, particularly those with high rates of workplace injuries. One in 10 Australians regularly drink to the risk of harm and a similar number have consumed alcohol at work.
Do your protective gloves comply with safety standards?
Supplied by ProChoice Safety Gear on 09 June, 2015
Of the workplace hand injuries that require hospitalisation in Australia, more than half involve open wounds. This makes the choice of a cut-protective glove type a key consideration for HSE officers.
Safety Lifecycle Workbook
Supplied by Emerson Process Management on 30 April, 2015
Of all of the issues facing today’s process manufacturers, ensuring safe operations and guaranteeing shutdown when necessary are paramount. Companies that do not plan and manage process operational risks face fines, production outages, equipment damage and serious injury or loss of life.
Latest technology for reducing the time and cost of daily bump testing
Supplied by MSA Australia on 19 November, 2014
One of the major responsibilities companies have towards their employees working in confined and hazardous spaces is to guarantee their safety.
Reliable and inexpensive safety shower monitoring
Supplied by Emerson Process Management on 20 October, 2014
Safety showers and eyewash stations are used in a variety of industries where corrosive or injurious chemicals are manipulated as well as where operations involve the use of air- or water-reactive liquids.
The human element of the Safety Advisor's job - things that can (and do) go wrong
04 August, 2014
Health and Safety Advisors are the heart of the organisation in terms of knowledge about health and safety issues and preventing incidents. However, they are still humans, which means that they, too, can make mistakes.
Managing a gas detection program: 4 key considerations
Supplied by MSA Australia Pty Ltd on 14 July, 2014
Total cost associated with acquiring, fielding, using and maintaining a gas detection program needs careful evaluation. Many variables should be factored prior to any organisation making a purchase decision...
The real facts about head protection
Supplied by MSA Australia Pty Ltd on 14 April, 2014
Just as no two work sites are the same, there is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution for head protection.
Why then do workers often just reach for whatever is in the back of the truck without any thought of the real risks posed?
Fall protection and confined space - what you need to know
28 January, 2014
This paper outlines what you need to know about confined working spaces and the equipment needed to help with potential risk scenarios.
Keep hydrated, stay productive: the essential guide to hydration in the workplace
15 January, 2014
This guide looks at the importance of staying hydrated in the workplace to help avoid conditions such as heat stress and fatigue, and how electrolyte drinks can help workers stay alert and on track. Download now.
A guide to cut protection
16 September, 2013
It's important for health and safety managers to know about the rating systems used to classify hand safety PPE and which organisations are responsible for setting the standards. This knowledge will assist when determining the protective equipment needed for their employees and help reduce the number of workplace injuries.
Conveyor control solution
30 August, 2013
The mining industry has recognised the need for an effective conveyor control solution for mineral processing and material handling purposes. The system should be easy to handle, cost effective and have the ability to cover a vast area. This paper looks at a solution based on Actuator Sensor Interface (AS-i). Download now.