Food delivery deaths spark NSW investigative taskforce
30 November, 2020On 24 November, the NSW Government established a taskforce to investigate the gig economy, following the deaths of five food delivery riders in two months.
Further $310K in fines follow Melbourne construction site collapse
25 November, 2020An engineering company and its director face further fines for health and safety failings over the collapse of a pit on a Mt Waverley construction site in 2015.
COVID-19 contraction risk is near threefold for healthcare workers
25 November, 2020Australian healthcare workers are nearly three times more likely to contract coronavirus compared with other Australians, according to a study by the Kirby Institute.
Workplaces urged to stay safe in lead-up to Christmas
25 November, 2020As Victoria recovers from its second wave and more people return to work, employers are reminded to look after their workers in the approach to the busy Christmas period.
Loading ramps standard released in support of farmer safety
25 November, 2020Standards Australia has published a standard for livestock loading/unloading ramps and forcing pens, prioritising farmer safety and livestock wellbeing.
National snapshot: COVID-19-related workers compensation claims
16 November, 2020Safe Work Australia has released a snapshot of COVID-19-related workers compensation claims up to 31 July 2020 that offers insight into areas such as mental health.
Silica detector to protect NSW workers from dust diseases
11 November, 2020The NSW Government is trialling a real-time silica detector that monitors silica dust levels in the air, to protect NSW workers from contracting dust diseases.
$150K fine follows machine crushing death of worker in 2017
11 November, 2020A North Queensland company has been fined $150,000 for a 2017 incident in which a worker was crushed to death while trying to fix a cane haul-out vehicle.
Recent asbestos-related fines highlight awareness importance
11 November, 202023–29 November is National Asbestos Awareness Week 2020; two recent Queensland asbestos-related removal and licensing prosecutions highlight its importance.
Royal Commission publishes report into natural disasters
11 November, 2020Following the 2019–20 bushfires, the Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements has published a 1000-page report with 80 recommendations.
NSW allocates $660K for research into emerging WHS risks
02 November, 2020To prepare for future workplace issues, the NSW Government has allocated $660,000 to four research projects exploring emerging risks to health and safety.
$1500 Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment gets extended to Qld, SA
28 October, 2020Workers in Queensland and South Australia are now eligible for the 'Pandemic Leave Disaster Payment', if they are self-isolating or caring for someone with COVID-19.
To combat dust diseases, NSW passes new laws and WA halves WES
28 October, 2020NSW has passed new laws to help track and prevent occupational dust diseases, while workplace exposure standards for respirable crystalline silica and coal dust have been halved in WA.
WHS overhaul for Western Australia as Bill passes Upper House
28 October, 2020The Western Australia Government's Work Health and Safety Bill, which introduces industrial manslaughter as a crime, has passed through the Upper House.
Updated Interactive Safety Guide for Wine Producers
27 October, 2020Wine Producers Guide to Safety 2020/21 – Released