New compliance and enforcement tool rolls out
14 June, 2024SafeWork SA is embedding cautions into its suite of compliance and enforcement tools to help reduce injuries and fatalities.
SWA seeks crane licensing feedback
11 June, 2024The public have been given an opportunity to provide feedback on six Safe Work Australia proposals aimed at improving the licensing framework for cranes.
ATA calls for ministers to settle truck law reforms
11 June, 2024The Australian Trucking Association has said it is vital that transport ministers press forward with reforms to the national truck laws.
Report reveals the cost of workplace injury, illness in Australia
11 June, 2024Research conducted by Monash University has found that between 2012 and 2017, the equivalent of 41,000 full-time jobs were lost due to people taking time off work.
Criminalising workplace manslaughter and wage theft
06 June, 2024 by Ben Duggan, Director, and Nicholas De Pasquale, Associate, at DW Fox Tucker LawyersLegal experts take a look at the recent criminalisation of industrial manslaughter and wage theft, and what it means for employers.
Record turnout at Melbourne Workplace Health & Safety Show
03 June, 2024 | Supplied by: National MediaMore than 4900 safety professionals attended the Workplace Health & Safety Show in Melbourne this year, marking a 247% increase in attendance.
Look after your back during National Spinal Health Week
21 May, 2024National Spinal Health Week (20–26 May 2024) aims to improve the spinal health of all Australians by raising awareness of musculoskeletal disorders including low back pain.
Nominations open for 2024 WorkSafe Awards
21 May, 2024Victorian businesses and individuals who have enhanced workplace health and safety are urged to share their stories for the 2024 WorkSafe Awards.
WorkSafe WA lays first charges under new WHS laws
20 May, 2024WorkSafe has initiated the first four prosecutions under the new Work Health and Safety Act 2020, which came into effect in March 2022.
Call for feedback on new Return to Work Victoria pilots
20 May, 2024Return to Work Victoria has asked organisations with the capacity to deliver mental health services to provide information for two new pilots that aim to help injured workers return to work.
SafeWork NSW launches campaign to create safer workplaces
20 May, 2024In a bid to promote safer workplaces across New South Wales, SafeWork NSW has unveiled a new campaign with a clear message: "It's the safe way or no way."
The benefits of tech-enabled workplace risk management
17 May, 2024 | Supplied by: National MediaInnovative new technology enables organisations to identify and respond more quickly to hazards in the workplace.
Improving employee wellbeing in three steps
10 May, 2024 | Supplied by: National MediaEmployee wellbeing is emerging as a top priority, with many workers now expecting their workplaces to offer greater support.
Feedback sought on changes to NT electrical safety laws
06 May, 2024The Electrical Safety Regulator within NT Worksafe has encouraged Territorians to provide feedback about changes to the Territory's electrical safety laws.
Shortening work week to improve construction culture
06 May, 2024A new report has explored construction industry culture, highlighting the problems of excessive work hours and the benefits in addressing them.