Business > Legal issues

ETU launches $1 million FIFO wage claim

01 February, 2016

The ETU is planning to file an action for FIFO workers in the Fair Work Commission for missed wages that could amount to over $1 million.

Changes to mining WHS laws take effect

01 February, 2016

Amendments to legislation that regulates WHS in the mining and petroleum industries in NSW take effect today.

Five top tips to help avoid industrial lawsuits

29 January, 2016 by Crown Equipment

Crown Equipment has supplied five top tips that it believes will help to reduce the chance of employee injury and possible legal exposure.

Calls for comment on lead in the workplace

12 January, 2016

Safe Work Australia is calling for businesses who deal with lead to provide feedback over proposed amendments to laws regarding workplace safety.

Explosion fatality highlights dangers in simple safety breaches

08 December, 2015

A Melbourne company has been charged over the death of one of its workers in a van explosion, which could have been prevented by following simple safety measures.

Wool processor convicted over truckie injury

01 December, 2015

A Melbourne wool processor has been convicted and fined over an incident in which a truck driver suffered significant spinal injuries.

Company fined for pub fall injury

25 November, 2015

A NSW pub has been fined $150,000 after a worker fell through an open trapdoor and suffered serious leg injuries.

Sydney man fined over crane licence fraud

11 November, 2015

A Sydney man has been fined and given a criminal record after being caught using a fraudulent licence to operate cranes.

Service station operator fined and convicted over gas fire

02 September, 2015

A Sydney service station operator has been fined and convicted for putting staff and the public at risk over a gas fire breakout.

Rigger's death highlights importance of risk management

26 August, 2015

The investigation findings into the death of a 51-year-old rigger at the Boggabri Coal Mine in 2014 have been released by NSW Mine Safety.

Flooring installer fined $5000 over apprentice injury

25 August, 2015

A flooring installer from WA has pleaded guilty and been fined $5000 after an apprentice suffered serious hand injuries in 2012.

Defence fined over soldier's death in training exercise

21 August, 2015

The Australian Defence Force has been fined $220,000 over a soldier's fatal shooting in a training exercise.

Company fined $180,000 after workers injured in factory falls

11 August, 2015

A company from WA has been found guilty of breaching the Occupational Safety and Health Act and fined $180,000 following a 2013 incident that seriously injured two workers.

Cartel conduct in the construction industry?

31 July, 2015

The ACCC says it is aware of serious allegations and evidence which point to cartel conduct in Canberra's construction industry.

Companies facing charges over workplace accidents

30 July, 2015

Two companies may face fines of up to $1.5 million for charges over alleged workplace accidents that injured workers in 2013.

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