WorkCover CEO warns on falls from heights
Monday, 05 July, 2004
WorkCover NSW Chief Executive Officer, Jon Blackwell has issued a strong reminder to employers and workers on the hazards of working at heights.
"In recent weeks there have been several incidents involving falls from heights resulting in serious injury," said Blackwell. "It is timely to warn both employers and workers in the construction/demolition industry of their responsibilities under the state's occupational health and safety laws," he said.
Employers are required under the Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000 to ensure the health and safety of their workers, to consult with their employees on workplace safety, and to identify and manage risk in the workplace," said Blackwell.
"Substantial penalties exist for failure to comply with the legislation."These include a fine of up to $550,000 in the Industrial Relations Commission for a first offence by a corporation, rising to $825,000 for a subsequent conviction," he said. "Employers must take their responsibility to ensure the safety of employees seriously," he said.
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