Revised reporting of accidents in WA
Sunday, 02 April, 2006
A revised and updated guideline on accident and incident reporting has been released by the Resources Safety Division at the Department of Consumer and Employment Protection (DOCEP) in Western Australia.
The latest edition of the department's MineSafe magazine gives an overview of the guideline which aims to assist employers and employees to better understand their reporting duties under the Mines Safety and Inspection Act 1994 for accidents involving injury to people and mining incidents.
The guideline has been endorsed by the Mining Industry Advisory Committee (MIAC) and is for use by those responsible for reporting accidents and incidents on mine sites and mineral exploration operations.
It provides details on who is responsible for reporting the events, how and when they are to be reported and the submission requirements for written reports.
In the current issue of the free quarterly magazine, State Mining Engineer Martin Knee looks at the benefits of adopting codes of practice, and some of the legal ramifications.
"Essentially, following a code of practice provides a means of defence against any allegation that something required under an act has not been done to an appropriate standard," Knee said.
"Codes of practice contain practical information on how to comply with legislative requirements. They also describe safe work practices that can be used to reduce the risk of work-related injury and disease."
The recent use of the underground refuge chamber at Kambalda's St Ives Leviathan gold mine is also featured and comes as a timely reminder to alert industry to another guideline "“ Refuge chambers in underground metalliferous mines.
Nine miners were rescued from the underground refuge chambers they escaped to after a remote-controlled loader caught fire at a Kambalda gold mine.
The guideline is designed to provide advice on the safe use of appropriate refuge chambers as part of a response to hazards posed by irrespirable atmospheres underground.
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