Height safety in the spotlight
A company's recent conviction and $5000 fine for allowing contractors to work up to five metres above the ground without fall protection has prompted WorkSafe Victoria to issue a reminder to employers to review its guidance information relating to height safety.
A WorkSafe inspector saw a man working between four and five metres above the ground while rolling out wire roofing mesh.
Benalla magistrate, Peter Couzens said despite the experience of the worker, there was a potential for serious injury or death if he fell.
Director at WorkSafe's construction and utilities division, Geoff Thomas said the dangers of working at height were well known, as were the remedies.
"Businesses and contractors need to ensure fall protection is provided to people who could fall two metres or more, and they need to make sure it is used," he said.
Height safety information, including publications and guidance material, can be found at www.worksafe.vic.gov.au.
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