Forklift safety compliance campaign
Tuesday, 09 May, 2006
NT WorkSafe are running a campaign for forklift safety during May 2006 involving maintenance records and forklift licensing to encourage industry to comply with Work Health legislation.
This was prompted by an increasing number of workplace injuries, accidents and unsafe work practices involving forklifts.
A key message of the campaign is to remind employers of maintenance of plant and licensing of operators.
NT WorkSafe say that many companies only react when they have had an accident, and unfortunately that's too late from the regulatory point of view, and from the person who may have been injured or killed.
Forklifts are one of the most commonly used pieces of workplace equipment and these powerful heavy machines require maintenance, skill and training to operate them safely.
NT WorkSafe say they will be taking a zero-tolerance approach when breaches of the safety laws are identified.
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