Confined space standard defined
A revision of the standard for confined spaces will address the criticism that the definition in the current standard is difficult to apply.
The committee for revision of AS/NZS 2865, Safe Working in a Confined Space, has had its first meeting to discuss the comments received during the public review period.
High on the agenda was the definition of a confined space. According to Standards Australia, "a major factor in deciding whether a space is a confined space or not is whether the atmosphere can be controlled.
"Some spaces will always be a confined space. Other spaces can be significantly altered as a result of the work to be performed and may no longer be a confined space. As the work progresses, the space may revert to being a confined space."
The definition now clearly reflects this factor.
The review will also address training requirements for confined space entry, with an emphasis on role-based training and setting competencies for each role in an entry team.
The standard is expected to be published in the last quarter of 2006.
To view a full list of the drafts that are available for comment, visit
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