Company fined over unsafe chemical transport
Thursday, 23 March, 2006
A court has fined Transport company Patricks Distribution $9,750 for failing to ensure more than 3600 kg of chemicals transported from its Arndell Park Depot, in Sydney's West, were probably placarded to warn people dangerous good were on board.
The truck carrying pesticides, pool chlorine, hydrochloric acid and other environmentally dangerous chemicals to Dubbo was involved in a fatal accident at Mount Victoria in early 2004.
Justice Nicola Pain said, when fining Patricks under the Road and Rail Transport (Dangerous Goods) Act, everyone involved in transporting dangerous goods, not just the truck driver and owner, was responsible for their safe transport.
Department of Environment and Conservation (DEC) Director Lisa Corbyn, said laws were in place to protect road users, rescue crews and the environment.
"Placarding laws are in place to save lives," Corbyn said.
"There is no place for cutting corners when people are transporting dangerous chemicals on public roads and suburban streets.
"Displaying required dangerous goods signs lets other people on the road know to keep their distance and not do silly things such as lighting cigarettes next to the vehicle.
"More importantly if a vehicle carrying dangerous goods is involved in an accident or loses its load, the proper signs warn people and emergency crews at the scene of the potential for explosion and release of toxic gases and the need for protective clothing and equipment.
Corbyn said the law sets out clear signage requirements for all hazardous chemicals and dangerous goods. Appropriate training for people involved in the transport of dangerous goods is also required by law in NSW.
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