Wireless Access Solutions Trackzone ZRX 8-channel M-DVR system
The Trackzone ZRX 8-channel mobile digital video recording (M-DVR) system can improve driver safety in public-transport vehicles, by providing employees working after hours with direct access to their operations centre 24/7.
During an emergency, a discreet duress alarm is transmitted to the network management system displaying the location of the vehicle. The onboard video surveillance system transmits live images over GPS, GPRS or Wi-Fi networks.
The system utilises an anti-vibration system and impact sensor monitor to record excessive gravitational forces on the vehicle and MPEG-4 technology for video images and playback at 30 frames/s. Other features include monitoring of vehicle braking, door open, overheating, left-turn indicator, station announcement and video advertisements. Information on vehicle speed and acceleration is recorded using travel time information.
Mobile video surveillance enables effective assessment of OHDS risk in remote locations. The system operates on any PC or server and captures data on GPS, reports and alarms for further analysis. The event log files display critical information of events in real time.
Phone: 02 8860 6535
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