uvex aXess one active earmuffs
The uvex aXess one is an active earmuff that provides a high level of noise reduction (SLC80 27dB, Class 5) but allows the wearer to hear surroundings sounds through the speakers at a safe and comfortable level.
When choosing a hearing protector for a task, careful consideration must be given to the level of noise, its characteristics (such as its frequency distribution), worker’s preferences and comfort, the task at hand, and the compatibility of the protector with other PPE. Choosing a hearing protector with the highest level of class (Class 5) as per AS/NZS 1270 on the assumption that it will provide the best solution can lead to hearing overprotection. This is because a Class 5 hearing protector is also likely to prevent the wearer from hearing important sounds such as speech and warning signals. This places them at a greater risk of accident and injury in the workplace.
The uvex aXess one enables the wearer to communicate effectively with co-workers and hear other important sounds such as warning signals, thereby reducing the risk of accident and injuries. Wearers can therefore still receive a high level of protection from noise without being overprotected.
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