Preventure’s wearable technology platform combines wearable sensors, data analytics, sports science concepts and AI-powered smartphone training modules. An Australian-based start-up with a global footprint, Preventure strives to translate lessons from professional sport and enhance workplace injury prevention programs, specifically targeting musculoskeletal back, shoulder and lower limb (slip, trip, fall) injuries.
The wearable technology platform is used by safety teams, allied health professionals and workers from a range of industries, from healthcare and manufacturing to food production, logistics, aviation and local government. Users can subscribe to the platform monthly and lease hardware, integrating the technology into manual handling and new employee training programs, pre-employment checks, injury investigation and return-to-work processes. With fast, remote onboarding, users can be set up and using Preventure as fast as the local postal service can deliver it.
The product was designed in partnership with the Australian Government, leading universities, workers and worker union representatives. The product is validated to international standards and has features that encourage worker participation. This includes no GPS tracking, worker data ownership and an overriding sports theme.
The wearable technology platform has no lock-in contracts, great trial packages and free virtual demonstrations on offer.
Phone: 02 8599 7116
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