Guarda Systems Edge Power Cutter masonry saw

Wednesday, 18 October, 2023 | Supplied by: Guarda Systems

The Guarda Systems Edge Power Cutter is a masonry saw that suppresses dust, slurry and fumes while the user cuts. Through Guarda’s Tri-Vac technology, the saw allows safer, cleaner cutting. It provides silica dust and carbon monoxide control via a combination of water delivered to the blade guard and vacuum suction.

The Edge Power Cutter is the first line of defence against dangerous silica dust on construction sites. This respirable dust is hazardous to operators of engineered stone, concrete and brick cutting equipment and those working nearby, causing silicosis and other long-term health issues, as well as worksite shutdowns and costly penalties for non-compliance.

The saw is quick and easy to set up, lightweight for ease of use and suitable for general purpose concrete cutting — especially indoors or in enclosed spaces where fumes, dust and slurry pose a significant hazard. The saw has a 6″ (150 mm) cutting depth, and has been independently validated to reduce silica dust by between 87% and 99+% compared to existing solutions, according to the company.

Phone: 08 9399 1644
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