DEHN + SÖHNE insulating tray for on-site maintenance
DEHN + SÖHNE can provide equipment to assist with safety when maintenance on live working sites is urgently required. For example, maintaining navigation lights on runways where any downtime or restrictions would result in loss of use for air traffic.
Equipment includes an insulating tray for on-site standing surface insulation. This tray has a circumferential fluorescent marker tape, serving as reflector for night-time use and indicating the maximum permissible height of the planting vegetation when used for maintenance work. There are two removable kneeling cushions for comfortable working and the exchangeable skids allow for a good positioning and an easy transport of the insulating tray.
Operator protection is realised by combining the safety equipment for the operator, such as protective work gloves and clothing, with other additional auxiliary tools, such as the insulating tray and electrical safety equipment.
Phone: 03 8414 8277
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