The Cribber communication system is a private mobile noticeboard developed to connect worksite management with frontline workers to improve productivity and safety while decreasing workforce turnover.
The system is a cloud-based application which includes a web app administration interface for management as well as a mobile app for workers. Worksite EHS, employee relations and community bulletins are sent via the app directly to a worker’s digital device in real time.
The product replaces lunchroom noticeboards and document distributions, enabling worksites to go paperless and thus reducing costs as well as environmental impact. It can be used for daily safety notices, site layouts, key contacts, social events, emergency alerts, progress updates, toolbox topics, monthly newsletters, rewards and recognition. The system features easy-to-manage user lists requiring only a user’s mobile number, which is suitable for transient workforces with short-term workers, visitors or stakeholders. Bulletins can also contain rich media and external links to other apps and media.
Company management can view bulletin analytics, which show read and open percentages for every bulletin, as well as assign multiple administrators to manage the system on their worksites.
Phone: 07 3040 2870
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