Camfil CamSafe filter housing system
The Camfil CamSafe filter housing system is designed for use wherever containment and operator safety are essential.
CamSafe is a modular and flexible product family, designed for exhaust of contaminated air in containment applications like biosafety L1 to L3+, safety laboratories, hospitals, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, animal facilities. Housings are available as single modules or multimodule systems depending on required filtration stages and air volume.
The housing can be fitted with a wide range of particulate or molecular filters. Clamping with a single action lever is patented and includes a double safety feature to provide secure filter positioning and gasket compression. A service bag collar for contamination-free BIBO filter change helps enable safe change of every individual filter.
CamSafe has been tested at ±6000 Pa to the following qualification levels: mechanical resistance — Class D1 - EN 1886:2003; local and global leakage — Class C - EUROVENT 2/2, Class L1 - EN 1886, Class 3 - ISO 10648, Class D - EN 12237.
The system is designed for reliable and efficient filter testing with qualified leak detection capability, using lower aerosol quantities. Other configurations of the CamSafe range can be adapted to specific needs, from additional features and functions to specific finishes, custom formats and bespoke integration.
Originally published here.
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