Aristel EnGenius Durafon long-range cordless phone
The EnGenius Durafon cordless phone has a range of up to 10 km and can penetrate up to 12 floors of a multi-storey building. The product is suitable for use in sectors where large areas need to be covered and safety is a priority, such as mines, farms, schools, warehouses and factories. It is simple to use and comes with a range of safety features.
The phone has a one-touch broadcast button for instant contact with all handsets (up to 90), should an emergency arise. The rubber-encased handset is shockproof, water resistant and comes with a 12 month warranty.
Single line (SN 902) and 4 line (SP 9228) models can be connected to standard telephone lines or integrated with a business telephone system. The single line version can connect up to nine handsets and the 4 line model can expand to accommodate up to 32 handsets with eight base units.
A two-way radio feature enables handsets to call other handsets without the need for a base unit. The conversation is encrypted, providing the total voice security needed for business calls.
Phone: 03 8542 2300
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