Accidental Health and Safety Intelligent First Aid kit
Intelligent First Aid kits reduce response time to incidents as each kit is designed in a modular plan with a globally recognised colour legend clearly identifying bandages, burn treatments, wound cleansing and personal protection.
For example, all bandages are packed in yellow boxes, while wound-cleansing products are in blue. Each box is printed with simple and easy-to-recognise instructions and bar coded for reordering and on-site checking of kits.
The kit allows users to quickly identify the appropriate first aid item to speed up response time and provide an improved level of care for the injured person.
Also available is the Mobility solution where service consultants use handheld scanner systems for on-site safety visits, checking and replenishing all first aid kits for greater customisation and management control of safety requirements and on-site first aid replenishment.
Phone: 1300 362 327
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