3M has replaced its previous three respirator kits with a range of six half-face respirator kits.
These respirator starter kits are designed to provide respiratory protection against a range of applications, from paint spraying to sanding, chemical handling or welding.
In addition to the half-face respirator, all kits include a pair of filters, earplugs, respirator cleaning wipes and a respiratory protection guide.
To avoid moisture and contaminant exposure, the respirator and kit accessories are stored in a sealable storage container.
The welding respirator kit 7528, GP2 and the spraying respirator kit 7551, A1P2 include a medium-size, half-face respirator 7500 with Cool Flow valve and soft silicone material. The respirator is suitable for working in hot and humid conditions or during prolonged use.
The half-face respirator 6000 is included in the other four kits: welding respirator kit, 6228, GP2; spraying respirator kit 6251, A1P2; multigas respirator kit 6259, A1B1E1K1P2; dust/particle respirator kit 6225, P2.
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