ZOLL offers a range of public access automated external defibrillators (AEDs) that are designed with lay rescuers in mind, to provide critical early defibrillation when treating sudden cardiac arrest (SCA). ZOLL AEDs include Real CPR Help technology, which prompts users step by step through the rescue, providing real-time CPR feedback on the depth and rate of chest compressions to help deliver high-quality CPR.
The ZOLL AED 3 defibrillator features real-time CPR feedback, full-colour rescue images, a touchscreen display and an integrated child mode, making it simple to treat both adult and paediatric victims of SCA. ZOLL AED 3 includes long-life consumables and Wi-Fi connectivity for remote monitoring of the AED’s status.
The ZOLL AED Plus defibrillator with Real CPR Help technology helps rescuers provide high-quality CPR and will deliver a shock if needed. Real-time CPR feedback on compression rate and depth provides confidence and clarity to lay rescuers throughout the rescue.
The PlucTrac AED program management software helps users track and manage consumable items such as pads and batteries. It also monitors the certification expiration dates of volunteer responders, thereby helping users keep their AED ready for the day they need it.
ZOLL Medical’s advanced defibrillators won the five-star World of Safety & Health Asia Award 2020. The ZOLL AED 3 and ZOLL AED 3 BLS were recognised by World of Safety & Health Asia for their innovative technology for all rescuers.
For more information: https://www.zoll.com/au/products/aeds/aeds-for-public-access.
Phone: 1800 605 555
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