Elliotts Specialist Safety Apparel Catalogue
The Elliotts Specialist Safety Apparel Catalogue is now available.
It contains updated apparel and safety gear including: FR arc-rated workwear, arc flash switching apparel; arc flash suppression blankets; FRAS wet weather, hazmat and chemical apparel, arc safe and antistatic; firefighting apparel; FRAS wet weather; hazmat; and chemical apparel.
Phone: 07 3265 2944
Savox NOISE-COM 300 hearing protector
The Savox Noise-COM 300 hearing protector is designed to provide reliable communication in...
Axis Communications ARTPEC-9 system-on-chip for safety surveillance
The Axis Communications ninth-generation system-on-chip (SoC), ARTPEC-9, is designed to improve...
KingGee XtremeGuard industrial safety footwear range
The KingGee XtremeGuard industrial safety footwear range features eight distinct styles. The...