Manual handling risks rise pre Christmas. Have you done enough?

By WorkSafe Victoria
Friday, 19 October, 2007

Australian warehouses are approaching their busiest time of year and unless steps are taken now to control manual handling risks, someone could get hurt.

WorkSafe Victoria is warning employers to make sure they're ready for the pre-Christmas rush or they'll face human and commercial consequences.

Melbourne company Manassen Foods Pty Ltd recently received its first conviction after nearly 60 years in business. It pleaded guilty to one charge of failing to provide a safe workplace, was fined $10,000 and ordered to pay court costs in excess of $5500.

Magistrate Maurice Gurvich said people performing order-picking work were among the most vulnerable and needed protection from manual handling injuries.

A WorkSafe inspector saw workers at risk of manual handling injuries at the company's Rowville warehouse in August 2005 and issued a safety Improvement Notice which had to be complied with by October.

WorkSafe returned in October and again in November to see if the notices had been dealt with, but only small changes had been made each time.

It was not until 23 December that, as a result of new racking being installed, the Improvement Notice was deemed to have been complied with.

WorkSafe Victoria's director of manufacturing, logistics and agriculture, Trevor Martin, said manual handling was the biggest single source of workplace injuries: "The means of preventing such injuries are well established in order-picking and all other occupations. Detailed information is available from WorkSafe."

"Repetitive movement, stretching and twisting are all major contributors to manual handling injuries."

"Reducing this as far as possible, using mechanical means of moving stock or rotating people through different tasks, can all be used to reduce risks to workers and the business."

"With most retail and logistics operations responding to increased workload by bringing in temporary or casual labour in the last few months of the year, existing risks are further magnified."

What's the cost to business of not addressing manual handling? Across all industries in 2005-06, manual handling injuries accounted for 45% of the 30,000 injuries reported to WorkSafe Victoria. WorkSafe receives around 280 reports of injuries from manual order-picking alone each year. These cost around $11.5 million in treatment, rehabilitation and compensation costs.

While the average workplace insurance premium has been cut by 10% in each of the past four financial years, high numbers of injuries result in increased premiums to individual businesses and industries.

Martin said failing to follow up on Improvement Notices or breaching Prohibition Notices (not an issue in this case) were serious matters even if no one was hurt: "The work has to be done. Fixing the problem promptly means everyone can get on with the job. Once the notices are complied with, that's generally the end of the matter."

"The identified safety problem won't go away by itself. Consult with your workforce, take advice from WorkSafe, your peers or consultants — then fix it."

WorkSafe Victoria publications on manual handling are available at or by calling the WorkSafe Advisory Service on 1800 136 089.

They include:

  • Controlling OHS hazards and risk — a workplace handbook (2007)
  • Consultation on workplace safety — a workplace handbook (2007)
  • Manually loading and unloading pallets (2007)
  • Manual handling risk, assessing and controlling — a worksheet (2007)
  • Your health and safety guide to manual handling (2007)
  • Your health and safety guide to controlling OHS hazards and risks (2007)
  • Your health and safety guide to consultation (2007)
  • Manual order picking (October 2005)

WorkSafe also funds a free, independent, three-hour safety consultancy for small and medium-sized businesses. Contact the WorkSafe Advisory Service or your employer organisation for information.

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