Westech Flow Control Body dust-suppressing dump truck body
The Westech Flow Control Body (patent pending) has a floor design that controls the flow of material out of the body during dumping. This more even flow greatly reduces dust generated when dumping. The body’s dust suppression properties are particularly relevant with the ever-increasing focus on dust control on mine sites from government and community organisations, Australia wide.
Along with improved dust control, the controlled dumping results in less friction on the steel floor of the body causing less wear to bodies, reducing the need for liner kits and extending body life.
The floor design also keeps the centre of gravity of the load forward of the rear axle longer while in the dump cycle, reducing material surge as the load leaves the truck body. This eliminates lift at the front of the truck, making the truck safer with increased stability.
The Flow Control Body is available for all truck brands and models in combo (coal and overburden), coal or overburden designs.
Non-OEM engineer and manufacturer Austin Engineering has manufactured two of the innovative dust-supressing bodies for off-highway dump trucks for use on a Hunter Valley (NSW) mine site.
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