Hydratight Joint Data Management System
The Joint Data Management System (JDMS) from Hydratight is designed to store the entire life cycle data relating to every critical bolted joint on an installation.
It is designed to aid planning, enhance safety, ensure joint integrity and assist in reducing construction and maintenance schedules and costs in oil and gas projects.
The system provides managers and technicians with essential information about joint components used in assembly, plus it specifies the tools and the torque or tension values to deliver a leak-free joint. It can be tailor-made to meet any specific individual requirements of the operating company, but based around a solid core. The core package includes a database which is fully interactive with Informate. The system can be supplied as a single-user package or as a multiuser system installed on a network. It can be interfaced to packages such as PDMS or PDS pipeline design systems.
The HypurJoint add-on graphic package provides a system to import electronic drawings into the JDMS. Hot spots are then allocated to the joints on the drawings, which provide easy access to joint data directly from a drawing view. Joints can be selected by clicking on the joint on the drawing, which will display the joint data. Work packs can be created directly from the drawing.
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