Best Practice Managed Solutions MyVOC verification of competency app

Thursday, 17 July, 2014 | Supplied by: Best Practice Managed Solutions

MyVOC is an easy-to-use tool that allows organisations to conduct their own Verifications of Competency for training by partnering with an RTO. Provided they have a competent assessor, they will be able to issue their own competency-based certificates from their workplace.

The organisation nominates the tasks their workers will undertake and makes a record of previous training and current qualifications in order to identify the training required. It then manages the training to completion, including the VOC process.

The supervisor conducts and records the assessment using the app, then uploads the results to the Learning Management System. The assessment consists of quizzes, VOC tasks and acknowledgement questions. To ensure competence, video evidence of the student completing the task is captured. VOC provides knowledge checks as guidance in the process.

The app enables organisations to complete verifications of competency while continuing work, preventing the downtime that would occur otherwise. It provides auditable outcomes, allowing for consistent assessment. Suitable for any size of organisation, it can be used across all industries.

Phone: 1800 783 784
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