Diphoterine is a multi-purpose solution suitable for any kind of chemical splash, except hydrofluoric acid and its derivatives as it has limited efficacy. In this instance Hexafluorine should be used.
Diphoterine is an aqueous non -toxic solution, which contains an absorbent that connects immediately to the chemical aggressor and draws it away from the skin or eye. Whether it is an irritant or corrosive Diphoterine attracts, neutralises and absorbs the chemical aggressor. This is something water cannot do as it is hypotonic, which can make it easier for the chemical to penetrate the skin.
Diphoterine has been widely used in the European market for more than 20 years and the effectiveness of the product has been recognised by all companies that have used it. In the Martinswerk plant in Germany a comparative study of the effectiveness of washing injuries with water and with Diphoterine was carried out. This study showed that the use of Diphoterine reduced the seriousness of injuries. The average number of days lost through sick leave after a chemical injury reduced from 8 days to 0.18 after the introduction of Diphoterine. Furthermore no secondary healthcare was required, however after the use of water to wash burns 25% of cases required simple care and 75% required medical treatment.
The product has been approved by the Therapeutical Goods Administration for use in Australia and comes in a variety of formats, designed for various applications. Diphoterine and Hexafluorine are now used all over the world by major industry, as well as emergency service workers.
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