Flammability analyser

Tuesday, 18 November, 2008

The PrevEx flammability analyser provides lower flammable limit monitoring for measuring flammable gases, vapours and mixtures of multiple solvents, in low oxygen, elevated temperature and inert atmospheres. The analyser incorporates several fail-safe features designed to ensure safety under all conditions. The design of the sensing flame technology of the analyser is such that the flame must always be on and the system working properly or an alarm is given. With the PrevEx flammability analyser, whether it is a loss of fuel, air, sample flow or power, a malfunction relay is automatically tripped and the operator is notified immediately of a status change.

The essence of the PrevEx flammability analyser detection system lies in its ability to perform accurately under the demands of the industrial environment where industrial processes contain compounds that can condense and contaminate a sensor, resulting in an inaccurate reading. To combat this problem and assure a true sample, the PrevEx flammability analyser has a corrosion-resistant, heated sample train through which the sample is delivered, eliminating condensation and resisting corrosive elements.

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