Fire suppression system

Monday, 18 August, 2008

Certified by international fire research institutes such as Factory Mutual, the Fogtec mist fire suppression systems have been tested in accordance with NFPA 750 and IMO standards.

The environmentally friendly system uses pure water as the extinguishing agent, converting it to fine mist at a high pressure (120 to 200 bars). Its popularity is due to its negligible water and minimal smoke damage, reduced downtime for improved business continuity, ease of installation — especially for retrofits — and low maintenance requirements.

The system is designed to be more effective than a conventional sprinkler system while using less than 10% of the amount of water, providing a more sustainable solution.

The mist fire suppression system is suitable for industrial ovens and kitchens, hazard store rooms, cable tunnels, turbines, conveyor belts, computer rooms and flammable liquid stores.

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