BullEx SmartDummy interactive rescue mannequins

Tuesday, 09 November, 2010 | Supplied by: BullEx Australia

BullEx SmartDummy interactive rescue mannequins

The SmartDummy interactive rescue mannequins are suitable for use in intense fire training.

The mannequins’ VoiceBox has a built-in microphone that allows users to record any message or sound effect and to record a different message each time depending on the drill. Once activated, the VoiceBox can play continuously or can listen for rescuers and activate only when nearby sound is detected.

The rescue mannequins are built with specially developed heavy-duty canvas material that is tough enough for fire training but flexible enough to simulate victims.

Two models are available - the SmartDummy and the Extrication SmartDummy. Underneath the SmartDummy’s canvas shell, internal padding provides a uniform weight distribution and realistic feel. The VoiceBox is built into the head of the mannequin for ease of access and programming.

The Extrication SmartDummy allows vehicle extrication, entanglement and industrial accident scenarios to be created. It can simulate a variety of serious bodily injuries including torso impalement or a severed arm or leg.

Online: www.bullexaustralia.com.au
Phone: 03 5277 3638
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