NSW pushes for seasonal safety ahead of summer
The NSW Government is urging businesses to prepare for the workplace hazards caused by the upcoming hot weather and bushfire season by completing a SeasonalSAFE Plan. Minister for Better Regulation Kevin Anderson said the plan can help mitigate various workplace risks heightened by the summer conditions.
The SeasonalSAFE Plan helps businesses prepare for summer and plan activities safely, taking into account the dangers to their employees from working in the heat. Anderson encourages workplaces to ensure that there is cool drinking water available, shelter where needed and adequate sun protection for everyone working outdoors, particularly in hotter temperatures.
“Although many of us are looking forward to warmer weather, we can’t forget the significant dangers that the Australian summer brings for our workplaces, especially those conducting outdoor work or based in bushfire prone areas,” said Anderson.
A SeasonalSAFE Plan will also help businesses in bushfire-prone areas to make emergency plans. Anderson noted that this is a good opportunity for employers to prepare their businesses before the bushfire season starts, by finding out if any employees suffer from asthma or other conditions affected by smoke and working out an evacuation plan.
“When there is a heat safety alert released by a government authority, or workers advise they are being affected by heat, you’ll need a plan with alternative ways to complete the work or automate it to reduce physical exertion. If businesses can start planning now, they will be ready for whatever comes their way,” said Anderson.
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