The MSA FlameGard 5 MSIR Flame Detector’s neural network technology NNT 4-IR sensor combination is said to make the detector highly immune to false alarms.
The multispectrum IR (MSIR) sensor array provides increased range and wide field of view. Its continuous optical path monitoring (COPM) checks optical path integrity and the detector’s electronic circuitry. The company claims that no other flame detector can match the NNT weighted systems, with others using only a pass/fail algorithm.
The company claims that in a flame detector test (150′ distance between detectors and 1 x 1′ gasoline fire with all units set to high sensitivity; all confirmed to be in working order) the FlameGard 5 MSIR Flame Detector detected the fire 4 s before other detectors and the MSA detector saw the fire for 16 s longer than the other detectors.
Phone: 1300 728 672
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