Device helps employees make the choice to drink or drive

Wednesday, 13 February, 2013

The loss of a driving licence could also mean the loss of a valued employee, particularly where drivers of company vehicles are concerned.

Employers have a duty of care to ensure their employees are fit for work and, if driving is involved, then the employee must be fit to drive.

Anyone who drinks and drives is not just risking a fine or points on their licence, they are risking their life and that of others. Where a company vehicle is concerned, they are also risking their livelihood as well as the reputation of the company that employs them.

Draeger Safety Pacific is running a safety campaign to highlight the thought provoking ‘Drink or Drive - make a clear choice’ message.  Designed to curb the drink-drive problem on Australia’s roads, it aims to help drivers to make the right choice when it comes to drinking alcohol and driving.

In terms of driving skills and risk-taking behavior, a driver does not have to be ‘blind drunk’ to be affected by alcohol.  Whether it’s a stubby or a glass of wine, drinking alcohol is known to lower inhibitions and temporarily raise confidence.  It also reduces concentration, slows a drivers’ response time and can affect coordination and the drivers’ ability to steer and control a vehicle.  Despite the best intentions, even those that have a few off-duty drinks the night before can still be over the limit the morning after. 

While it is often installed on private vehicles as the result of a court order following a serious drink driving offence, the Draeger Interlock XT device can be fitted to company vehicles as part of an employers’ health and safety at work policy.  Eliminating the risks associated with drink driving, it helps organisations to ensure that they are doing everything they reasonably can to prevent an accident or incident resulting from the actions of an employee.  In terms of an employee who has been convicted of a serious drink-drive offence it can, depending on state/territory legislation, even mean the chance to drive instead of a disqualification or jail sentence.

Fitted to the vehicle’s ignition, the device measures the driver’s breath alcohol level. The driver blows into the device as directed by the user menu. The vehicle will not start until an alcohol level that is within the preset maximum limit is received. 

Additional control options can be programmed to ensure that the driver stays sober while driving and any attempt to tamper with the device can be recorded.

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