Xtralis releases enhanced Vesda Eco gas detection device
An enhanced version of the Vesda Eco gas detection device from Xtralis is available. Eco is a gas detection extension for the Xtralis Vesda aspirating smoke detection (ASD) system.
The device includes six more gas detection options as well as additional programming, testing and monitoring capabilities. It uses efficient multihole aspirating technology and a VESDA pipe network to achieve, the company claims, improved efficiency and reduced total cost of ownership.
The initial release of Eco included detection for ammonia, carbon monoxide, hydrogen, hydrogen sulfide, methane, nitrogen dioxide, oxygen, propane and sulfur dioxide. The enhanced version adds gas detection capabilities for alcohol, gasoline vapour, pentane, chlorine and carbon dioxide and provides additional oxygen and ammonia sensing.
It also has a calibration process, field programmable 'calibration due' notifications and a simulation capability of gas tests to analyse functionality and performance.
Phone: 03 9936 7000
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