Feedback sought about WES for diesel particulate matter

Wednesday, 17 May, 2023

Feedback sought about WES for diesel particulate matter

Safe Work Australia is seeking feedback on a proposed workplace exposure standard for diesel particulate matter, as exposure to diesel engine emissions poses a risk to workers’ lung health and can lead to cancers.

The current Workplace exposure standards for airborne contaminants do not include a specific exposure standard for diesel engine emissions. To protect workers from the adverse health effects of exposure to diesel engine emissions, an expert review commissioned by Safe Work Australia has recommended the addition of a workplace exposure standard for diesel particulate matter.

The recommended standard for diesel particulate matter is an 8-hour time-weighted average of 15 µg respirable elemental carbon per cubic metre. It will be relevant to Australian workplaces where diesel fumes are generated, including the construction, transport and agriculture industries.

Submissions are open until Sunday, 4 June 2023 on Safe Work Australia’s online consultation platform Engage.

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