WorkSafe injury insurance guides

Friday, 04 July, 2008

WorkSafe Victoria has issued two new guides on injury insurance that came into effect 1 July 2008 entitled ‘Your WorkSafe Injury Insurance 2008/09 — a guide for small employers’ and ‘Your WorkSafe Injury Insurance 2008/09 — a guide for medium to large employers’.

The two publications detail how the insurance system works and outline the changes that took effect from 1 July.

The guide for larger employers has been developed for employers whose premium for 2008/09 has been calculated using the medium to large employer method because their rateable remuneration is greater than $200,000.

The guide for small employers has been developed specifically for employers whose premium for 2008/09 has been calculated using the small employer method because their rateable remuneration is $200,000 or less.

Both documents outline key dates, payment options, what to include as remuneration and a checklist to help ensure you are declaring the right amount. They can be downloaded from under the ‘Forms & Publications’ tab.


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