WorkCover guide for residential construction industry

Tuesday, 15 December, 2009

WorkCover NSW has released a new guide aimed at helping builders in the housing industry conduct site-specific inductions on residential construction sites.

Acting WorkCover CEO Rob Thomson said the guide provides practical advice for contractors, employers and site controllers that are developing, renovating or extending buildings of up to three storeys (classes 1, 2 and 10a of the Building Code of Australia): “The guide will assist builders meet their requirements for site induction for these buildings as outlined in the National Code of Practice for Induction for Construction Work that became effective from 1 September.

“Site-specific inductions should be undertaken before anyone starts work on a site for the first time and workers should also be updated when there are changes to the site that may affect a worker’s health and safety.”

To assist builders, the guide provides a range of options for the delivery of inductions on low-risk sites including face to face, telephone or online.

This guide outlines key aspects of site-specific inductions for these buildings including when to provide site-specific induction information, how to deliver the induction, what information to include and record-keeping requirements.

“It is important that workers and employers are proactive in raising awareness of safety on building sites, and this guide provides a valuable resource to encourage communication on safety,” Thomson added. “With workplace injuries and fatalities in NSW at their lowest levels in 20 years, WorkCover will continue to work closely with employers and workers to maintain safety standards.”

The site-specific inductions guide and more information about workplace safety are available from

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