Tradesman fined $6K in relation to bullying young workers
A Hunter tradesman has been convicted and fined $6000 after his bullying behaviour negatively impacted two young workers’ mental health and safety, according to SafeWork NSW.
The carpenter and joiner pleaded guilty to having failed to take reasonable care that he did not adversely affect the health and safety of other persons, as required under the Work Health and Safety Act NSW 2011, explained Andrew Gavrielatos, SafeWork NSW SafeWork Special Services Executive Director.
The defendant “admitted to bullying behaviour towards two workers over an extended period of time including verbal abuse, name calling, swearing, belittling and threats”, Gavrielatos said. “The tradesman’s behaviour caused the young apprentices to feel distressed and anxious, with both reporting to have nightmares and be fearful of going to work.”
The court also ordered the tradesman to pay costs and attend bullying and harassment, anger management and emotional intelligence training, Gavrielatos added. “The prosecution outcome clearly illustrates our commitment to act against businesses and individuals doing the wrong thing in the workplace when it comes to mental health and wellbeing,” he concluded.
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