Take a safety moment in October

Monday, 13 August, 2018

Take a safety moment in October

While the emotional cost of work-related injury cannot be underestimated, the financial cost to the whole Australian community is staggering — in 2012–13, work related injury and illness cost $61.8 billion.

During October each year, Safe Work Australia asks workers and employers across Australia to commit to building safe and healthy workplaces for all Australians. This year, National Safe Work Month is asking you to ‘take a safety moment’ to prevent harm in the workplace.

‘A moment is all it takes’ is the theme for this year National Safe Work Month. While a safety incident can happen in a moment and in any workplace, a moment’s forethought can prevent harm.

It could be as simple as spending five minutes every morning talking with your team about the hazards and risks in your workplace, and how to prevent harm.

Campaign posters and other resources material are available for download, which can be used by your company to get involved and raise awareness around your workplace. The range of resources includes editable and customisable posters and graphics specific to the seven priority industries and feature real workers.

Comdain Infrastructure was the winner of the 2017 Workplace Reward for its initiative which shared safety knowledge, empowered staff at all levels and demonstrated a commitment to long-term work health and safety in the organisation.

Image credit: ©stock.adobe.com/au/ml

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