Man dies after falling from boat
A Queensland man died after falling from a boat on a hardstand at a marina in November 2018.
According to a Workplace Health and Safety Queensland incident alert, early investigations indicate he landed on the ground after falling from the rear of the boat near portable stairs used to access the boat while in dry dock. Investigations are continuing.
The incident alert said that people accessing vessels on hardstands can be exposed to serious risks of falls. Fall/edge protection on boats, such as handrails, is not usually designed in accordance with the requirements for guard rails used to control the risk of a fall when the vessel is placed on hardstands.
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland said that the PCBU responsible for the operation of the marina facilities, including the provision of hardstands, should ensure equipment is available for the safe access to vessels and to control the risk of a fall from vessels. This may include ladders, portable stair systems, scaffolding or temporary edge protection systems. The PCBU should also ensure people who access vessels on hardstands understand the associated risks and only access the vessel using equipment provided. Access equipment should be used in accordance with the instructions for its use.
Before accessing vessels on hardstands, a competent person should perform a risk assessment to identify areas where there is a risk of a fall. Particular focus should be placed on identifying and controlling risks where work is to be completed and the position of the access to and from the vessel.
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