Height safety rebrand
Stop the Drops has recently undergone a rebranding process, and will now be known as GRIPPS.
Effective from 2019 onwards, the GRIPPS rebrand represents the company’s dedication to innovation and continued close collaboration with the people working within the industries it services.
“The industries we operate in are big on trust and tangible outcomes. Rather than spitballing around a boardroom, we wanted our new brand to totally encompass what means the most to our customers, which is why we developed the brand in close consultation with them,” said Senior Consultant Rick Salisbury.
“We’re in the business of making sure people can go home safe each and every day. To that end, we’ve developed some of the world’s leading dropped object protection systems, designed and built to deliver exceptional performance in even the toughest conditions.”
The new brand will be carried by all future products and be at the core of an educational and strategic partnership service. Consumers will still have access to the existing Stop the Drops range, which will remain owned and distributed by GRIPPS.
“In many jurisdictions — including our home of Australia — workplace health and safety legislation does not provide the level of detail site managers need to build and implement effective and comprehensive dropped tool prevention plans. Guidelines may be provided, but in many cases what is required by law is unclear or unstated,” Salisbury said.
“This can be especially worrisome when the risk posed by dropped tools and objects is so thoroughly understood. In 2017, dropped objects were the fourth-largest cause of fatalities on work sites and the third-largest cause for serious claims in Australia, according to Safe Work Australia.”
With this in mind, GRIPPS is launching a strategic partnership program called Target: Zero Drops. In 2019, businesses will be able to embark on a comprehensive, five-step journey to building a safer workforce through a fully customisable and modular program delivered on site, including site auditing, awareness programs, training courses, communication packages and ongoing KPI assessments.
“We’ve been receiving consistent feedback from our partners that their biggest challenge is uptake of equipment usage, even when the safety gear is available on site,” Salisbury said.
“Target: Zero Drops is really about listening to that feedback and offering a 360° solution to our customers that tackles everything from auditing a worksite to identify risks, through to building a culture of safety through training, awareness and digital plus on-site communications.”
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