CraneSafe expands inspections
CraneSafe Australia has announced that, due to many requests from the construction industry, it has introduced another assessment covering Truck Mounted Concrete Pumps to complement the existing CraneSafe program.
“This brings [the number of] individual categories that are covered to 16, all of which are part of AS 1418 and AS 2550,” announced CraneSafe National Director Jeff Brundell. “In a shrinking economy, it’s gratifying to the industry that owners and users of high-risk plant are using the service in greater numbers. A total of 3656 assessments were carried out in the 2007/2008 financial year and 4584 assessments were conducted in 2008/2009.
“This is not surprising, as more users of the service recognise the peace of mind knowing that they are meeting their OHS responsibilities by using the CraneSafe third-party independent inspection service to assist them in providing equipment that is safe for continuing use.”
CraneSafe daily Operator Log-Books have been expanded for use on all Tower Cranes, while a Vehicle Loading Crane version of the log book will be released shortly. The CICA Crane Safety Manual has been revised extensively in 2008 and sales have been so strong a reprint has been ordered. “It is gratifying to be congratulated by OHS regulators for having our ‘act into gear’ for the many safety aspects that CraneSafe and CICA have been involved in,” stressed Brundell.
Additional CraneSafe assessors have been appointed in all states to cover the additional inspections introduced and in the near future, the CraneSafe website will also include all of the categories that assessors are endorsed for. A CraneSafe Assessor Auditor has been appointed and a national audit will commence in the next quarter to ensure that all assessors are meeting industry expectations.
“One good aspect of the industry has been that whenever any faults are detected, owners/users have quickly alerted the CraneSafe steering committee that a problem existed,” added Brundell. “This has allowed quick and decisive action to follow in the form of a warning and counselling, or withdrawal of CraneSafe endorsement in more serious areas.”
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