Electrical protection in hazardous areas
Hazardous areas are encountered in a wide variety of industries. Thankfully the science of how to operate safely in such areas is now well understood, though knowing how best to comply with the requirements is something that still causes confusion
[ + ]Reflections on safety
Recently, Safety Solutions magazine asked readers the question: "What do you think is the most important issue in workplace safety today?"- Following are some of the editor's picks for the most useful answer to the question
[ + ]Making all electrical devices totally safe
Protectelec has developed a new electrical safeguard system designed to prevent electrocution and protect appliances from electrical damage
[ + ]Safe couplings for fluid systems
Quick-disconnect couplings can significantly improve the serviceability of fluid systems by saving time, reducing spills and increasing safety for owners, service technicians and manufacturers
[ + ]Alcohol and fire: a bad mix
Most people know that smoking in bed is a fire hazard. But not many know that having a few beers or glasses of wine before bed can increase their risk of becoming a fire fatality - even with a smoke alarm in the house
[ + ]Disposable protective clothing fit for purpose?
Living in an increasingly industrialized world, it would be hard to over emphasize the importance of professional protective clothing. While there is more emphasis than ever on the use of protective clothing, the real solution is far from simple
[ + ]The ABC of manual handling
The links between safe work practices and a productive and profitable workplace are well established. Legal and community attitudes have altered dramatically and management must find answers to manual handling problems
[ + ]Preventing glass from becoming a lethal weapon
Glass is attractive, lightweight, quick to install, provides light interiors, offers clean facades and is low in cost when compared to stone and other similar building materials
[ + ]The sound of acoustic shock injuries
Depression; mood swings; the inability to tolerate loud sounds; continuous tinnitus, jaw and neck pain. These symptoms read like the after-effects of some type of torture. In reality, these symptoms are the end result of acoustic shock injury or ASI
[ + ]Drug testing policy 'outdated'
Mining has been one of Australia's most progressive industries when it comes to workplace drug testing - but many companies are now working with policies outdated by more than 10 years
[ + ]Rail employee hand safety
Kiwi ingenuity is leading the way in the rail maintenance industry, with major safety initiatives developed by local rail maintenance workers being implemented not just on New Zealand's rail network
[ + ]The comfort factor
Personal protective equipment (PPE) has had a bad rap. Workers don't like wearing it. The perception is that any PPE item that actually provides wearer safety and product protection must be bulky and uncomfortable
[ + ]Relief from heat stress now a priority
The human body has a narrow operating range for its internal temperature. During exercise or physically demanding work, the body needs more energy to operate. When it burns more energy, the body temperature goes up
[ + ]Facilities that bottle and can foodstuffs
A major US beer manufacturer operates one of its largest packaging facilities on the east coast of America
[ + ]Using technology to make materials handling safer
Mobile equipment, particularly forklifts, are associated with a large number of workplace injuries. Intelligent transport systems (ITS) have significant potential to enhance industrial safety
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