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More action needed on workplace lung health, survey finds

Despite stronger crystalline silica protections taking effect from 1 September 2024, a new survey has found that more action is needed on workplace lung health.

Do cobots pose psychosocial risks to workers?

Collaborative robots, also known as cobots, have been increasingly permeating Australian workplaces — but at what risk?

Machine 08 October, 2024

Nanofibre uniform protects against chemical hazards

A next-generation uniform prototype has successfully been developed by CSIRO researchers for Australian soldiers.

Personal protection equipment 26 September, 2024

Why an engineered stone ban is not enough

While a ban on engineered stone is welcome, research suggests that more needs to be done to protect workers from silicosis.

Personal protection equipment 19 September, 2024

Boosting safety for traffic control workers

A traffic control company has deployed a fleet of eye-catching vehicles to boost visibility and safety for its workers on the roads.

Machine 16 September, 2024

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The benefits of complying with new welding fume safety standards

The benefits of complying with new welding fume safety standards

As Australian welding safety regulations become more stringent, workplaces should look to deploy Australian Standards Certified PAPR units that are...

Article 06 May, 2024
Unpacking the latest in height safety

Unpacking the latest in height safety

The introduction of the Industrial Manslaughter Bill in NSW this year means that a more proactive approach to workplace safety is needed.

Article 12 August, 2024
From pandemic to prevention: companies address manual handling risks

From pandemic to prevention: companies address manual handling risks

Across all work industries, manual handling injuries (or body stressing injuries) represent ~37% of total workplace injuries.

Article 17 April, 2023
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