Top safety tips from St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance Australia (Vic) Inc

Thursday, 10 August, 2017

Top safety tips from St John Ambulance

St John Ambulance Victoria has compiled a list of tips to help workplaces stay safe and avoid accidents.

Some of the things workers can do include:

1. Watch out for falling objects

Dozens of Australian workers die each year due to falling objects. By staying aware of their surroundings on the ground and above, and by wearing protective equipment when on-site, workers can dramatically reduce their risk of injury from falling objects.

2. Stay hydrated

Keeping hydrated is important whether working outside or in an office all day. Staying hydrated is good for the body and can also improve focus and concentration. Stay away from sugary drinks, as these can increase the speed of dehydration.

3. Exercise caution when working at height

Between 2003 and 2015, 359 Australian workplace deaths were caused by people falling from heights. It is extremely important when working from heights to manage the risks effectively, such as using barriers when necessary.

4. Take care of mental health

High levels of stress can have an enormous impact on mental health in the workplace, so learning to manage stress caused by work is extremely important. Take time to recharge outside of work and learn coping mechanisms such as meditation.

5. Be aware of hazards that could affect others

In 2015, Safework Australia found almost 50 bystanders were killed in workplace accidents. These people did not cause the accident, but lost their lives as a consequence. To reduce the risks, workers should always watch out for hazards and poor safety practice in the workplace.

Image credit: ©

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