Industrial Scientific iNet Now worker monitoring software

Monday, 25 September, 2017 | Supplied by: Industrial Scientific Corporation

The Industrial Scientific iNet Now live monitoring software enables real-time monitoring of worker location, environment and status.

Should a worker encounter a gas hazard, be immobilised or have the need to escalate a condition through a panic alarm, text and email alerts — including a map of the area — are sent to designated contacts. By using the product, workers can have peace of mind that potentially dangerous conditions or situations will be escalated to someone able to take action.

The product has live map displays of the status and location of workers, eliminating the time it takes to complete manual check-in processes.

Automated alerts are activated when emergency situations occur, triggering responders and equipping them with a detailed understanding of the situation.

The product is also compatible with all LENS Wireless devices, including the Ventis Pro Series and Radius BZ1. This makes it easier to see the state of both wearable gas detectors and area monitors as they are deployed across work teams.

Phone: 1800 809 606
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