Saint-Gobain OneSuits and OneGlove protection range
The Saint-Gobain product range includes the single-skin protective OneSuits and OneGlove that provide lightweight protection without the use of overcovers.
All of the products are certified to NFPA 1991, a standard for protection from chemical/biological agents, including liquefied gas.
The protective hazmat suits are lightweight and include the OneGlove Hazmat, a single-piece chemical protective glove certified to NFPA 1991.
The range includes:
OneSuit Flash - meets the needs of those working in dangerous environments. Certified to NFPA 1991 plus flash fire protection, this single-skin, lightweight protective garment protects against chemical and biological agents in both liquid and vapour form.
OneSuit Gard - designed by Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics’ technical team.
OneSuit Pro - a chemical protective suit certified to the NFPA 1991, NFPA 1994 Class 2, IMO SOLAS Type II-2, EN943-1 and EN943-2:2002 standards, providing a high level of protection against chemical and biological agents.
OneSuit Shield - engineered to meet the needs of hazmat professionals seeking high levels of chemical protection. Certified to CBRN First Response and Chemical Splash standards, this lightweight and durable garment provides suitable mobility for performing demanding tasks.
Phone: 07 3265 2944
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